You see, on a daily basis, I see clients for various ailments and they can be effecting their quality of life - their time with their spouse, their children, their ability to do the things they love. And today, as I'm trying to figure what to do and when to do it, I realized, these lovely clients I have the privilege of getting to help, they are taking time for themselves - or doing Self Care. It's become a very notable word at the moment - almost trendy at times to discuss, but the reality is I have seen now, how important it truly is to take time for yourself. Despite my clients being there, and being present for their treatment and education, I do frequently get asked, how can I take care of myself?
Recently I had the opportunity to take some time and explore the West Coast. I headed out to Nanaimo, BC, and up to the Tofino area. There I explored the Wild Pacific Trail, read a book, slept for 8 hours, and missed my family. But it was a time to step back and enjoy the world around me instead of rushing through it.
Realizing this was a special circumstance, this trip to BC, it is not always how self care has to or can happen. It can be the smallest things including:
- a cup of coffee in the morning before everyone is awake
- a short walk
- 5 mins in your office at work or home, to breath
- being in bed 30 mins earlier than normal
- reading a book
- going on a field trip with your child's class (I truly found this amazing!)
- driving in the vehicle by yourself
- being kind to yourself
- come up with the PRIORITY of the day rather than trying to find BALANCE
The list could truly go on, but I thought, after reading my email from my, I was inspired to speak to it.
Who is this dear friend you may ask...it's Amanda of Grounded Goodness, and she knows just what to say when to say it.
I have only scratched the surface of this topic...there is so much more that could be said. But, let's have just a brief snippet sit and take it in.
Have an enjoyable weekend, and looking forward to chat with you soon.
~ Michelle, PT