So with Christmas upon us why not keep the blog on topic – all things festive! My next blog will be more physiotherapy related.
The holidays can represent many things –celebrations, family gatherings, winter activities, church service/worship, time off work, rest – you name it. The holidays are filled with traditions – each family having something unique they like to do time and time again.
All too often we become busy with work, activities, etc and Christmas can feel busy too. But over this holiday season I challenge you to slow down, relax and enjoy the moments; the little things, the big things, the silly things, the happy things – whatever it may be.
So from each of us at Donald Physiotherapy, here are some of our favorite traditions that we look forward to every holiday season!
Chinel – “all the females in the family get together and decide on what eats to bring on Christmas Eve, each year at someone else’s place. We decorate, especially the table. Christmas carols we sing and yes, then Santa comes along with the presents. After that we have a photoshoot and all need to have something on with a Christmas theme. Christmas is a big thing with my side of the family and I really miss that (being in Canada)”
Trevor – “my favourite things of Christmas are watching the kids open their stockings on Christmas morning and the
Donald Boxing Day Classic hockey game”
Michelle D. – “I love the tradition of Christmas Eve pj’s, relaxing by the fire and Christmas Eve perogies and appies”
Michelle S. – “ever since my son was 2 we have been baking and decorating sugar cookies together. Throughout the years as he has grown into a teen, it’s been amazing to watch him take over in the kitchen and make the cookies from start to finish. Now, we try to share our tradition with close friends and family. Each year we invite someone special into our house to join us in cookie decorating”
Lindsay – “I always enjoy church service Christmas Eve with my family and the kids open one present that night”
Trent – “depends which family we’re spending it with on any given year, but a Kaiser tournament or Christmas movies will happen at some point”
Jacquie – “listening to Christmas music & decorating the Christmas tree with my Grandma’s old decorations and reading “The Night Before Christmas” on Christmas Eve with my kids before bedtime and watching for Rudolph’s nose in the sky”
Aurora – “we have eggnog and watch a Christmas movie while decorating the tree each year”
Jane – “kids opening their stockings”
Kristyn – “sleeping over at grandma and grandpa’s house and seeing the kids open gifts Christmas morning. And Christmas dinner with my family”
Elizabeth – “our family enjoys sharing in an evening church service on Christmas Eve. We love how all the Children in our parish participate in re-creating the Nativity play and how everyone joins in for caroling. Once we finally make it home, we look forward to enjoying our traditional supper of 12 meatless dishes followed by board games and a Christmas movie for as long as we can last”
And so from everyone at Donald Physiotherapy –
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
~ Jacquie, PT