Personally, I am often looking for a consistent time to exercise in a routine way while balancing work and family life. I enjoy doing yoga at home because it is an easy way to get balanced exercise on my own time, no matter what mother nature has schemed up. I also like to go for walks or runs, play volleyball on the weekends and play games my toddlers dream up! It’s fun to play with them and then they gravitate to physical activity which helps them to burn energy (I wish I could bottle that)! I enjoy how playing with the kids helps them develop a love for the types of exercise that they enjoy. What types of exercise do you enjoy?
Movement is key for physical comfort and mobility. Of course sudden injuries happen, and there is nothing that a person can do to avoid that, but I do see that people who are more physically active or mobile before an injury occurs recover more quickly. Frequent strengthening and stretching can also help someone to prevent injuries. For instance, maintaining back mobility and lower body strength and conditioning can help someone to shovel or rake without developing strain injuries during the seasons that require these activities. So findings something that you enjoy doing can make a big difference in not only how you move now, but how you recover from an injury.
There are a few exercises that I find that I go back to again and again for people. Not only to the help people recover from ailments, but I also give these ones to people wanting to do whole-body conditioning as options to maintain health and prevent issues.
Some of the exercises that I tend to use often include the following:
| Walking (Duration: 10+ mins; Frequency: daily as able)
| Posture Correction (Sitting tall) (Duration: 2+ mins; Frequency: every hour)
| Single Leg Balance (Duration: 30 sec each leg; Frequency: 2 times per day)
| Push Up (On the Wall or Floor) (Sets: 2; Reps: 10; Intensity: slow and controlled; Frequency: daily)
| Calf Raise | Bilateral - Supported (Chair) (Sets: 2; Reps: 10-20; Intensity: slow and controlled; Frequency: daily)
| Squat (Chair) (Sets: 2; Reps: 10; Intensity: slow and controlled; Frequency: daily)
| Cat/Cow (Sets: 2; Reps: 10; Intensity: slow and controlled; Frequency: daily)
| Upper Trapezius Stretch (ear to shoulder) (Reps: 2 per side; Hold: 30 sec; Frequency: daily)
| Levator Scapulae Stretch (nose to arm pit) (Reps: 2 per side; Hold: 30 sec; Frequency: daily)
| Gastrocs Stretch (Wall) (Reps: 2 per side; Hold: 30 sec; Frequency: 1-2 times per day)
Of course an exercise program is tailored to each person’s abilities and needs, so some of these may be too challenging for people or they may not be challenging enough. I enjoy working with each person to find a form of movement that works for them and that they enjoy doing. Hopefully I will have given you a few ideas for things to try! And if you have any questions along the way, please feel free to give me a call.
~ Kristyn, PT